With Summer just around the corner, it’s time to get your winter woolies packed away and grab your favorite shorts or summer dress. And if you look around, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that more and more Australians are getting inked up.
People’s perception and thoughts on tattoos is changing. According to the McCrindle Report on Tattoo Perceptions, Trends and Regrets, released November 2020, Australia is seeing a growth in the proportion of people getting a tattoo compared to previous years.
The latest study shows a record high of 25% of Australians that have a tattoo. This is up from 20% in 2018 and 19% in 2016.
Drilling further into this, there seems to be a higher percentage of
women with a tattoo, compared to that of men;
31% of women compared to 19% of men
The perception that tattoos are associated with a rebellious teen, or crime related is changing. Whilst majority got their first tattoo between the ages of 18-25, there is a definite increase of people getting a tattoo; over a third in fact, who got their tattoo when aged 26 and older.
Number of tattoos
And not only are more and more Australians getting tattoos, but a large proportion of these people have more than one tattoo.
3 in 5 Australians have more than one tattoo. And two in five Australians currently only have one tattoo.
Tattoo regret
The tattoo removal industry has grown rapidly in the last 10 years. It is one of the safest and most successful ways to get rid of an unwanted tattoo. Tattoos no longer have to be permanent.
So, it is not surprising to see that 22% of Australians say they have tattoo regret.
And 25% have looked into tattoo removal
There are many reasons people want to get rid of a tattoo. Here are some of the most common ones:
- Ex’s name
- The tattoo does not have any meaning or significance anymore
- Job/career aspects are limited due to the tattoo/s.
- The tattoo has started fading over time
- Not happy with the artist’s work
- Tired of hiding the tattoo and having to limit clothing options
- Do not want their children to see the tattoo/s
- Want to modify and get a new tattoo on top
Covering up
Tattoos have been become a lot more accepting these days. However, some people still feel the need to cover up when in social or work situations.
In conclusion, the tattoo industry is growing exponentially, and with that, so is the tattoo removal industry. There are many reasons for people wanting to fade or get rid of a tattoo. Every tattoo has a story and so does every tattoo removal.
If you have any questions or have been thinking about getting rid of an unwanted tattoo for some time, then contact us today.
Full report: https://mccrindle.com.au/insights/blog/tattoos-on-the-rise-among-aussies/
Images source:
https://www.bigstockphoto.com/Alfons Heikkinen
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